A SAKAN Summary of the History of South Africa

The SAKAN focus is clearly on South Africa’s modern social and economic inequalities, which have spawned the related threats of extreme poverty and unemployment. SAKAN also recognizes that inequality amongst humans does not exist in isolation; at its root lies deeply ingrained misunderstandings of the common singular identity of all humans. Unscientific notions of superiority based on superficial ethnic, gender, geographic origin, linguistic, race, religious, tribal and physiological appearance have had devastating impact on global and national social stability and growth. SAKAN seeks to reverse this trend in the context of South Africa.
According to modern scientific knowledge, South Africa has been, and continues to be, at the core of this misunderstanding. Together with the East African nations around the Rift Valley, South Africa’s contribution to human evolution is indisputable.
This SAKAN section draws from the immense Archaeological, Anthropological and Paleoanthropological knowledge base that humans have accumulated over time to tackle the threats of inequality from its most fundamental core. Modern ICTs offer the most effective means of disseminating this vital knowledge of our common origins and shared destinies, overcoming the traditional learning processes that are themselves victims of this misunderstanding. As the SAKAN process unfolds, such knowledge will be built into the information systems and knowledge content suitable for all ages and segments of the South African society.
An excellent introduction to the evidence summarized in these SAKAN pages is the South African Archaeological Society. More relevant information is provided through various hyper-links, please click each image in this section for a fascinating journey through the South African chapter of human history.
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The South African Story: A SAKAN Introduction
SA Map
DNA Africa
The SAKAN story begins with a short review of the human evolutionary evidence unearthed in South Africa’s numerous world heritage sites. From the very ancient evidence found at Sterkfontein and Taung, through the fascinating evidence of the dawn of human cognitive advances found in the five world heritage sites on the southern-most tip of the African continent, to the DNA evidence drawn from the fossil of the Ballito Boy from KwaZulu-Natal, the evidence of our common history and destiny continues to grow. Please click each image for short summaries of this evidence. All the children born into South Africa’s multi-cultural, multi-racial, multi-ethnic, multi-linguistic, multi-religious and multi-origin society need this information so that they can deal with the harmful effects for its ignorance in their adult lives. The SAKAN initiative is designed to spread this “Good News Story” from South Africa.
Review of how SAKAN will address this knowledge dissemination
PovertyTHE SAKAN SOLUTION: A summary of how ICT can be positioned to combat inequality, poverty and unemployment. The proposed SAKAN approach to positioning ICTs at the base of South Africa’s development pyramid is based on the Brazilian LAN House concept, described in greater detail in the “Sakan” pages of this website. The proposed SA-LAN is a variant of the Cyber Café model that has served numerous developed and developing nations well, enabling access to the internet when internet networks, user terminals, and mass user skills were at a nascent stage of development. The key features of the SA-LAN concept are described in an impressive ethnographic study by Brazil’s Dr David Nemer, which should serve as a model for South Africa’s own pro-poor LANS.
The Brazilian LAN House phenomenon has matured to a large extent. Most recent information on the phenomenon is that it has been immensely successful, and as a result, is changing its characteristics: the technological appropriation and digital literacy acquisition gained has resulted in more than 60% of Brazilians enjoying Internet connectivity with usable terminals at home. By end 2016, nearly 60% traditional LAN Houses remained in operation, most are migrating to high value and high income public gaming facilities enjoyed by young and old favela residents. South Africa can learn much from the Brazilian experience. Please click the image to download the SAKAN Concept Paper of how South Africa can emulate the Brazilian success.
The slides below, repeated frequently throughout this SAKAN site, provide a visual reminder of the depth and complexity of the South African challenge. They suggest urgent attention before the situation gets out of hand as has been demonstrated throughout the history of the human species.